futurama, solar opposites, moral orel, spongebob squarepants, the simpsons, king of the hill, breaking bad, phineas and ferb, bobs burgers, arcane. i like adult cartoons basically #sorry.
everything everywhere all at once, the mitchells vs the machines, dreamworks films, wall-e, lego movie, electric dreams, 2001: a space odyssey, fight club, the grand budapest hotel, saw i & ii, alien, spiderman (spiderverse & tobey maguire), jurassic park, the truman show, disney fairies
undertale, deltarune, portal, minecraft, stardew valley, roblox, the stanley parable
ultracelestial cataclysm (my oc story!), dykes to watch out for, jerma985, ena, hands up, hlvrai, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Made by Burypink | I stole it from Bruisedgh0st
1) time and date u started this?
2024-05-23 | 9:28 PM
2) asl?
17 nb ENG+TAG
3) opinions on musicals?
I like the SpongeBob musical but that's it
4) favorite snack?
Takiiiiiiiiis im basic im sorreyyy i know they taste bad but they heal my soul YOU DON'T GET IT.
5) have u ever been in love?
Um ya but we broke up..And now shes my best friend 😁
6) favorite pokemon?
Venusaur, raichu, cosmog, togepi, slowpoke, crawdaunt.
7) mario kart main?
Peach or bowser!
8) tf2 main?
If i plaued i think id be good at sniper
9) do you laugh at youtube poops?
Mm yea
10) are you listening to music right now?
Yes i'm listening to my own website's soundtrack
11) favorite shape?
I am partial to the blasted four sided star. Or stella octangula
12) do you believe in astrology?
No but i like my sign i think it really fits me.
13) do you believe in the occult?
I don't know what that is
14) opinions on vocaloid?
I like gumi and kaito & The song freely tomorrow
15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?
HELL YES I'm straight up gonna put together a band call it HULL BREACH IMMINENT and blast the fuck out of everyone's headphones with my straight up nasty glunky beats